Multiplayer Scripts Fail After Host Leaves

4 votes

Game Type: Multiplayer, Modded Map
Example Mod:

Summary: When a host quits a modded game, scripts stop working for other players.

Steps to Reproduce:
1) Two human players join the above map, one host and one client. Fill remaining six slots with AI.

2) Start game and wait until the game is loaded and playable for both human players

3) Have the host concede the match and return to main menu.

Expectation: the client becomes the new host and the scripts begin executing as if the client were the host.

Actual: scripts do not work. Buttons do not work, objectives are not updated. The game continues to run as a normal Northgard game at this point.

Proposal: When a host player leaves, call a reserved function on a new host to indicate they are now host, so the scripts can recover and resume executing. This can be enhanced by having the host player call saveState() and the client load this to recover in-memory data.

Dev Noted Mod Multiplayer Suggested by: Granite Upvoted: 01 Oct, '21 Comments: 0

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