Offline/wifi lost Achievement bug

1 votes

This has happened in story mode Cross of Vidar, Lion solo, and Lion conquest.
Windows 10
Direct X
Moved to a new place and my laptop often disconnects from wifi. If this happens before getting an achievement, sometimes I can unlock the Expedition achievement, but the achievement in Steam isn't unlocked. Unfortunately, that means I'm not able to unlock the steam achievement as you can only unlock them once in the Expeditions. Recently this has happened for Conquest (Muspell's Wrath), Solo (Guess Who's Back?) and several chapters/bonus in Cross of Vidar.

Solution: Perhaps a future fix would be to have the system periodically compare Expedition Achievements vs Steam achievements and if it's released in Expeditions, to release it in Steam, just in case the person played offline?

Approved Achievement Suggested by: Dave Fortier Upvoted: 19 Sep, '23 Comments: 0

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