Cross of Vidar Chapter 10 - Second Shore Immediate Surtr Attack

2 votes

I'm playing Cross of Vidar chap 10 on extreme, the moment I reached the second shore and Liv leaves my team, I'm immediately bombarded by attacks.
I've watched other people play chap 10 extreme on youtube and they have some time at the start to at least attack the first camp and acquire a gayant before the first Surtr attack, mine was immediate, is this a bug or?

It was the same as on hard but on hard it was easier to handle even with the immediate Surtr attack.

1. Story
2. Windows 10
3. DirectX (I think)
4. I've restarted that Chapter on Extreme multiple times and on Hard once (managed to beat it on Hard even with the immediate attack)
5. As attached.
6. Nil
7. Nil

Not a Bug Story 2 Suggested by: Syr Upvoted: 14 Feb Comments: 0

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