Notification to pick new knowledge when loading a saved conquest file

1 votes

Sometimes, when I leave a conquest mission midway through and then load the conquest file, I am randomly granted enough lore to pick a new knowledge, even though I did not have that amount of lore when I saved the same. (Example: today, I loaded a save file for a conquest mission, and I had 2000 or so lore when I needed about 1200 for the next knowledge unlock. All of the knowledges I previously selected remain in tact, so it's like I'm refunded the lore for the last knowledge I picked without actually losing the knowledge I picked.

I realize this is a "bank error in your favor" kind of glitch, but it's not satisfying to me to play in this way.

I was playing as Clan of the Squirrel today, but this has happened to me many times with several different clans.

Approved Conquest save Suggested by: Liz Upvoted: 07 Jan Comments: 0

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