Submit any bugs or issues you've encountered while playing Northgard.
squirrel clan achievement issue
1.solo 10
3.Direct x
4. can not get the achievement "Just a little help for my friends"
7. Don't see any way to upload a save file
AI squirrel doesn't use meals
When playing single player against AI, squirrel seems not to use its meal ability and therefore is much weaker. Could it be that meals are not yet implemented in AI ...
end of game statistics reporting wrong meal reciver
on the clan statistics tab after a match ends if i defeat an opponent, when hovering the mouse on top of a meal to show who received it it will show the opponents ...
Squirrel Achievement : "Just a little help from my friends" not validating
Have done multiple games trying to do this achievement with 2 allies, 3 allies and 4 allies, but none have the achievement validate. Have done all meals shared but ...
Suggested by:
(27 Feb, '24)
Comments: 1