AI is not competitive (broken) in PvE (conquest, coop vs AI, etc) - Serious rework/overhaul needed.

80 votes

**I would like to recommend that the developers go into the Discussion/Forum section on Steam, and just look through the various posts for titles containing "AI" - you will find countless posts from people complaining about the state of the AI, with many people posting specific criticisms. Your community is BEGGING for you to fix AI (and/or at least acknowledge the problem). **

Here are some direct links to just a couple of the many posts:

I wanted to write some specific issues here, but the character limit is only 1,000 so I won't be able to. Please look through the Steam General Discussion area and you will find plenty.

Devs, not fixing the AI is costing you MORE REVENUE - people like me have stopped purchasing DLC because of it.

Thank you for your attention.

Dev Noted AI Suggested by: Bret Upvoted: 05 Apr Comments: 1

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