Multiplayer Game Issue - Spectate Function Not Working

1 votes

General Description: The spectate function is not operating as intended. When a user tries to spectate a game, the function shows as if a spectator has joined, and other players can see the spectator has entered the game. However, the game does not load for the spectator, and they are not actually present in the game.

Attempts to Resolve: Restarting Northgard and verifying game files does not resolve the issue.
Affected Users: The bug affects any players who choose to spectate the game.

Game Info: Players: Team 2v2v2v2 Game Seed: 133501689
Server Name: Sforuni4724_7368_eu

Expected Outcome: The spectate function should allow a spectator to view the game in progress without issues.

Steps to Reproduce:
Start a multiplayer game with the settings specified in the Game Info.
Have a player disconnect and then reconnect to the game.
Attempt to use the spectate function to join the game.

Dev Noted Multiplayer Spectator Suggested by: Igiwaru Upvoted: 25 Feb Comments: 0

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