Submit any bugs or issues you've encountered while playing Northgard.
Multiplayer connection sever issues
@Shiro Community Team#2519 unfortunately I must echo a lot of people here that the servers have been crashing for me ever since the update. A frequent error is my ...
Game freezes on battles on Multiplayer.
Game screen freezes, but it is still possible to hear the game in the background running like there is no issue. It is not a sound loop since we could hear new things ...
"Waiting for the server" issue after starting any MP game
I am recently returned to Northgard. Played a lot b4 in multiplayer, all was fine (previous seasons). I Didn't even reinstalled the game since than. Now, after all ...
Multiplayer broken
Multiplayer broken afther owl uppdate
Can't reconnect to a game
Null access .h
Called from ui.menus.MultiMenu.clearMenu (ui/menus/MultiMenu.hx line 155)
Called from ui.menus.IMenu.remove (ui/menus/IMenu.hx line 148)
Called ...
UI disappears after reconnection in network game
Game mode draugheim, 2 players + 2 ai vs 4 ai
UI still disappears after reconnection in network game AND close this error window.
Lets some buttons or icons will ...
Gaining GP whether you win or lose
In Multiplayer ranked mode you gain GP whether you win or lose, causing there to be alot of fake iron/ fake ranked people. Please fix ASAP, its making ranked ...
"Share a common interest" notification bug
Was playing co-op conquest with my wife when I got the standard message "You and <X> share a common interest" - except it kept repeating it every half of a second or ...
Report button reveals name even though players haven't been discovered yet
When playing with friends, we always play random clan and random colour but we have noticed that all you need to do to find out who someone is, is to hover over the ...
can't build or assign villagers or organize feast in multiplayer.
Multiplayer loads fine, and then when in game, a +- 2 min "waiting for players" time elapses, then the game starts. However, only my friend can actually play. My game ...
Crash everytime i click ranked game on multiplater menu
I can't play ranked anymore because every time I click the ranked button it crashes. There seems to be a problem in my player badge. I've won a lot of games and ...
Ranked lobbies are bugged
Everytime I try to join a Lobby through the lobby finder the lobby is empty and the name of the lobby is "kosmoferret ist afk".
Conquest kicking host
1. conquest
2. windows
3. Open GL
4. yes just trying to start a conquest or load a conquest.
5 nothing to really show it just opens up to conquest and then goes ...
Cant interact with anything in multiplayer
The game works as it should in single player mode, but in multiplayer mode I can’t interact with my villagers in any way, and I can’t even write anything in the chat. ...
Constant lag in any multiplayer game on europe server after the new update
after the new updates i'm unable to play in eroupe server every time i'm about to attack the enemy the game starts lagging and freezing for afew seconds and this ...
"waiting for server" screen stuck bug.
When me and friends try to play multiplayer we get a weird bug;
>the "waiting for server" loading bar gets stuck
>the game starts in the background
>the loading ...
Multiplayer Scripts Fail After Host Leaves
Game Type: Multiplayer, Modded Map
Example Mod:
Summary: When a host quits a modded game, ...
Can't search ranked
On the main menu, I press multiplayer, then search and I get a bug. Tried reinstalling the game, not fixed.
Single player works, All Multiplayer does not work.
Loading loop Conquest
Hi , trying to play with a friend on a Raven - wolf conquest , 3rd map is foxhole and the loading from the host go from 14% to 60% and looping back endlessly, we did ...
hall destroyed without a reason
we played rated multiplayer with my friends, operating system is windows 10, launched with DirectX,
we dont know if the bug can be reproduced, it could be connected ...
When trying to play coop conquest with friend we both stuck at Almost Ready
As the title says we cant play game on europe server we played 6 matches before but we stuck now i cant change the save game to peer to peer server mode to play
Mimirsbrunn conquest bug - tutorial banner appeared
1. co-op conquest, 2 players, host (me) - wolf, 2nd player - bear
2. Windows 11
3. DirectX via Steam
4. interacting with mimirsbrunn - picking weaponsmith - ...
Lobby Is frozen/bugged. Cannot Start Multiplayer Games
Multiplayer Lobby is bugged. Game will not start. The Lobby Time is frozen.
Also there are players intentionally not readying up in order to keep the other players ...
Greyed out Multiplayer mode
My son and me would like to play Northgard together (we have two independent licenses). I played this game very often two years ago. Unfortunately the Multiplayer ...
Freezing units during the war
1. The error occurs during online battles (rating and public)
2. Windows 10
3. I've tried both DirectX and OpenGL
4. As soon as I recruit troops and give the order ...
Ranked elo (GP) doesn't update
Multiplayer (Ranked)
Windows 10
I have played for an entire day,
At first the elo was fine, then it froze at 404 GP.
after wards no matter if I was ...
Multiplayer Game Issue - Spectate Function Not Working
General Description: The spectate function is not operating as intended. When a user tries to spectate a game, the function shows as if a spectator has joined, and ...
Sheep taming
Appearently you can tame your own sheeps with the boar warchief, and after that the ability cant be used, even if the sheep is killed (it can be used once the ...
Multiplayer P2P and NA Server game issues
When playing multiplayer specifically with my friend, we're getting constant and progressive stuttering issues as the match goes on. Eventually the game becomes ...
2V4 Multiplayer
I'm running in Windows 10. When Owls were releasted we found a game using the new game finder, but it put my friend on the other team (DScroll). I am Falchios in this ...
Does not connect to the server
It does not connect to the server in a multiplayer game, hangs for a long time and throws it away. As a result of the discount, the rating is lost.
Rating FFA
Highly unstable connection and inability to rejoin in progress, paused games in conquest
My partner and I play northgard on conquest mode to complete conquests together. She lives in france and in general we have a good connection on other apps, but in ...
Fix Holy Fire relic
I was playing a co-op conquest. On Lion, the Holy Fire relic did nothing when carrying outside my territory. The feast mechanic worked as I expected.
servers regularly die on the weekend
The servers are of questionable quality at best during the workdays and usually die during the weekend.
Clicking Ready for multiplayer matchmaking is ignored
Steps to Reproduce:
1. Go into ranked multiplayer matchmaking
2. When the "Ready" window comes up, wait until the bar is low (only 1-2 seconds left) and click ...
3v3 ranked gp issue
I won 2 games both with my premade around 619 gp and we both didnt get points for those game check my ign through steam
Coop Conquest double owl crash
The game crashes if you both play owl in conquest (we played normal) once there are too many branches of ygdrassil. This happened in both games we played (only ...
Game screwed itself when playing rat
Just storing here for now, know I need to post in bug thing. Game completely screwed while playing ranked rat on European Server (as no one plays any other server). ...
Ranked error
I can't que up for a ranked game I keep getting report this error screen I haven't been able to play for three days now non ranked works just fine
Age of Vampires Mismatch Conquest Missions (Owl and Hounds)
While playing an Owl Conquest and attempting to complete the mission Age of Vampires my partner and I have different missions completed. I (playing the hounds) had my ...
After Clicking Multiplayer Game Crashes
I am playing game on windows 11 directx. Bug is reproducable. After pressing anthing under multiplayer button, game crashes. Is game unstable or did you guys ...
Random map na Ranked Game
We signed up for the queue in the ranked team game as normal. After some time, we discovered that the map we received was unbalanced.
Worst visual bug (loading sreen)
The bug only appears in a multiplayer game, more often when there is a poor connection between players.
win 10. - 64
Direct x
go to the ...
Gem cutter mission not spawning neutral gemstones
playing extreme coop conquest, the mission gem cutter does not seem to have spawned any neutral gem deposits other then the ones in starting tile
seed: 189753156 ...
"Almost ready" background covering screen in game
The game is loaded for everyone else, I am able to see the UI and interact with my villagers but my screen is covered in the loading background.
Conquest Quarantine bug
Game wont load into this map at all, stuck into the loading screen im in a coop conquest as kraken and they are raven, dont know why it wont load it but it sits ...