Submit any bugs or issues you've encountered while playing Northgard.

Game crashes in conquest for the guest player

In co-op conquest, the game of the guest player keeps crashing while random activities, like sending military elsewhere or clicking on buildings
Suggested by: CapB1406 (05 May, '22) Upvoted: 14 Feb Comments: 18
Dev Noted Conquest Crash

Northgard freeze

Game causes screens to freeze at random moments. Audio from the game and other apps still can be heard, but you can't do anything in Windows. The only way to solve ...
Suggested by: Ruvik (11 Mar, '23) Upvoted: 03 Apr Comments: 10
Approved Crash

Game crashes when I load a saved game

Crashes during the loading. It worked fine yesterday. It crashes only with saved games, still ok with new games. I suppose it is correlated to the new event "Night ...
Suggested by: moi (28 Oct, '21) Upvoted: 03 Jan Comments: 27
Dev Noted Crash save

The game crash, close randomly or with the message "uncaught exception"

Suggested by: Lunalithe (23 Nov, '21) Upvoted: 01 Feb Comments: 2
Investigating Crash

Crashing in Conquest Co-op as Host

We are playing as the Dragon/Snake clans. We've crashed 4 times so far trying to complete the "Master Supplier" and "Keep It Simple" maps, I've hosted 3 times, my ...
Suggested by: Merolod (18 Dec, '23) Upvoted: 21 Dec, '23 Comments: 0
Approved Crash

New year's crash (with Dragon clan)

In Single Player, using Windows, DirectX or Open GL, while playing as the Dragon clan, the game crashed specifically in the Year change 804AD. It happened in two ...
Suggested by: Lucas (18 Dec, '23) Upvoted: 20 Dec, '23 Comments: 0
Approved Crash Dragon

Game freezes and crash when using keyboard

I can only play the game using my mouse. If I try to use any of the shortcuts on the keyboard, the game freezes and crash later. I tried run it on directx and ...
Suggested by: Hicaroo (09 Mar) Upvoted: 09 Mar Comments: 0
Approved Crash

Crash on Conquest Selection

Hello, recently I was in hospital and using the hospital wifi network. There were some ports blocked not allowing me to load my ranking or the expeditions. I played ...
Suggested by: Christian (05 Jan) Upvoted: 05 Jan Comments: 0
Approved Conquest Crash save

Raven Clan Campaign Mission Memory Leak

Hey! getting a memory leak when playing the campaign on Extreme - I am close to winning but each time, I believe just as winter is about to start (while needing to ...
Suggested by: krishal99 (26 Aug, '23) Upvoted: 26 Aug, '23 Comments: 0
Investigating Crash Story