Submit any bugs or issues you've encountered while playing Northgard.
Ox Conquest "How to train your Wyvern" produces too many enemies on Extreme
1 - Conquest
2 - Windows 10
3 - OpenGL
4 - Yes, I've played this level on 5 different maps using the Ox clan
6 - 989839609 Medium
Maybe I'm just bad at the ...
How to train your wyvern conquest IMPOSSIBLE
Not only are the insane amount of enemy troops and AI attacks endless and too many for a begining game in year 800 and 801 and 802 where every clan sends at least 2-6 ...
Lynx Mielikki lore perk isn't working properly
Mielikki's ability gives lore 10 times lower as declared
I playtested that and yes, it actually gives 0,3 instead of 3, it's not a visual bug
This bug appeared ...
Clan of the Lynx: cats go missing upon reload
Sometimes when I reload a game the two lynxes dissapear. They can be recruited again from the tracker camp, as if they would have died. Happened multiply times, ...
Lynx Mythical Lure and Signy Scortched Earth Bug
I placed my mythical lure on a neutral field. Signy used her scortched earth spell on this tile and feared away the mythical wolfs/rams into the surrounding tiles. In ...
Lynx Conquest Despawn
When loading a saved game on the conquest mission "How to Train Your Wyvern", the two Lynx units despawn. This has primarily been seen happening when the lynxes are ...
In thte Age of Vampires (Conquest) it is not possible to summon the cats with the Lynx Clan
I do not know if this is intended, but during the conquest mission "Age of Vampires" in Conquest mode, since you only have the Shaman Camp, it is not possible to ...